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Powerful Profiles

From hospitals and boardrooms, to airplane hangars and small business across the state and beyond: the students and graduates of Cape Cod Community College are powering their communities, and they are making a difference.

Powerful futures really do start here at 4Cs. Don’t just take our word for it: hear it straight from the source.

Ronny Almanzar
Dental Assisting Program

When it comes to starting a career in the dental field, having the right foundation is essential. For Ronny Almanzar, Cape Cod Community College’s (4Cs) Dental Assisting program has provided just that. A strong, supportive environment to turn his lifelong dream into reality.

Read Ronny's story
Ronny Almanzar Profile Pic
Ronny Almanzar photo

Ronny Almanzar
Dental Assisting Program

When it comes to starting a career in the dental field, having the right foundation is essential. For Ronny Almanzar, Cape Cod Community College’s (4Cs) Dental Assisting program has provided just that. A strong, supportive environment to turn his lifelong dream into reality.

Read Ronny's story

Caroline Flanagan
Funeral Service Program

Meet Caroline Flanagan, a Norwood, MA native, in the funeral service program. Caroline always knew she wanted to pursue a career in funeral service and found 4Cs to be the perfect fit.

"I wanted to come to 4C's specifically for the funeral service program. I also love the community at 4C's which was a big deal for me when choosing a school and program," Caroline explained.

Read Caroline's story
student Caroline Flanagan
Caroline Flanagan square

Caroline Flanagan
Funeral Service Program

Meet Caroline Flanagan, a Norwood, MA native, in the funeral service program. Caroline always knew she wanted to pursue a career in funeral service and found 4Cs to be the perfect fit.

"I wanted to come to 4C's specifically for the funeral service program. I also love the community at 4C's which was a big deal for me when choosing a school and program," Caroline explained.

Read Caroline's story

Dan Sexton-Riley
English Concentration

Dan Sexton-Riley made the move to Cape Cod in 2016 to start a new chapter in life with his wife and stepdaughter. Embracing his passion, Dan is now an English major, learning with purpose and finding immense joy in his classes. "The discussions in my English classes have been a constant source of happiness for me," says Dan, "and they have sparked a fire within me to teach. The impact of those discussions on society is immeasurable."

Read Dan's story
photo of Dan Sexton-Riley
photo of Dan Sexton-Riley

Dan Sexton-Riley
English Concentration

Dan Sexton-Riley made the move to Cape Cod in 2016 to start a new chapter in life with his wife and stepdaughter. Embracing his passion, Dan is now an English major, learning with purpose and finding immense joy in his classes. "The discussions in my English classes have been a constant source of happiness for me," says Dan, "and they have sparked a fire within me to teach. The impact of those discussions on society is immeasurable."

Read Dan's story

Lillie Foose
Business Administration Program - Hospitality

Currently pursuing her passion at 4Cs, Lillie plans to make her mark in the industry. When asked about her favorite thing about the program, she had this to say: "My favorite thing has got to be the two professors who teach the majority of my classes. They bring personal experience and fun into all of our classes."

Read Lillie's story
Lillie Foose profile pic
Lillie Foose Square

Lillie Foose
Business Administration Program - Hospitality

Currently pursuing her passion at 4Cs, Lillie plans to make her mark in the industry. When asked about her favorite thing about the program, she had this to say: "My favorite thing has got to be the two professors who teach the majority of my classes. They bring personal experience and fun into all of our classes."

Read Lillie's story

Thalles DeSouza
Political Science Major

Meet Thalles DeSouza, a political science major at Cape Cod Community College (4Cs) and a rising star in the field. Originally from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Thalles now calls West Yarmouth, MA home and is making the most of his educational journey at 4Cs. With its affordability and flexibility, 4Cs was the perfect choice for him to further his education and after completing his Associates degree, he plans to transfer to a four-year college to get his Bachelors degree in Political Science, with the ultimate goal of working in the field.

Read Thalles' story
picture of student Thalles DeSouza
picture of student Thalles DeSouza

Thalles DeSouza
Political Science Major

Meet Thalles DeSouza, a political science major at Cape Cod Community College (4Cs) and a rising star in the field. Originally from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Thalles now calls West Yarmouth, MA home and is making the most of his educational journey at 4Cs. With its affordability and flexibility, 4Cs was the perfect choice for him to further his education and after completing his Associates degree, he plans to transfer to a four-year college to get his Bachelors degree in Political Science, with the ultimate goal of working in the field.

Read Thalles' story

Nicole Santos
Liberal Arts Major

Meet Nicole Santos, a liberal arts major with a passion for education and English. Born in Brazil, Nicole currently calls Sandwich home and is a student at Cape Cod Community College (4Cs). After completing her studies at 4Cs, she plans to transfer to Bridgewater State University to earn her bachelor's degree in English

Read Nicole's story
picture of student Nicole Santos
a picture of student Nicole Santos

Nicole Santos
Liberal Arts Major

Meet Nicole Santos, a liberal arts major with a passion for education and English. Born in Brazil, Nicole currently calls Sandwich home and is a student at Cape Cod Community College (4Cs). After completing her studies at 4Cs, she plans to transfer to Bridgewater State University to earn her bachelor's degree in English

Read Nicole's story

Marcus Martins
Aviation Maintenance Technology

Meet Marcus Martins, a student at Cape Cod Community College and the president of the International Aviation Fraternity, Alpha Eta Rho. he's a wiz at fixing planes and is currently enrolled in the school's Aviation Maintenance Technology (AMT) program, which he describes as the "best of both worlds" - it's affordable and packs a punch with the variety and speed of the subjects covered.

Read Marcus' story
picture of student Marcus Martins
picture of student Marcus Martins

Marcus Martins
Aviation Maintenance Technology

Meet Marcus Martins, a student at Cape Cod Community College and the president of the International Aviation Fraternity, Alpha Eta Rho. he's a wiz at fixing planes and is currently enrolled in the school's Aviation Maintenance Technology (AMT) program, which he describes as the "best of both worlds" - it's affordable and packs a punch with the variety and speed of the subjects covered.

Read Marcus' story

Soojin Gwon '22
Dental Hygiene

There are many paths to the amazing and booming profession of Dental Hygiene. For Soojin Gwon ’22, that journey started in a coffee shop nearly 7,000 miles away.

Read Soojin's story
Soojin Gwong
Soojin Gwong

Soojin Gwon '22
Dental Hygiene

There are many paths to the amazing and booming profession of Dental Hygiene. For Soojin Gwon ’22, that journey started in a coffee shop nearly 7,000 miles away.

Read Soojin's story

Julie Sudol '22
Funeral Service Program

“The Funeral Service program is a mix of what I love. Most people think that funeral service is working with the dead, but the majority is working with the living and helping them through a very difficult time. I want people to look back and say, ‘that was a really dark time in my life, and she helped me through it.’”

Read Julie's story
Julie Sudol photo
Julie Sudol photo

Julie Sudol '22
Funeral Service Program

“The Funeral Service program is a mix of what I love. Most people think that funeral service is working with the dead, but the majority is working with the living and helping them through a very difficult time. I want people to look back and say, ‘that was a really dark time in my life, and she helped me through it.’”

Read Julie's story

Summer Bates
Communication Concentration Major

Summer came to 4Cs for two reasons, to stay close to her family and because it was the financially mature decision.

Read Summer's story
Summer Bates Photo
Summer Bates Photo

Summer Bates
Communication Concentration Major

Summer came to 4Cs for two reasons, to stay close to her family and because it was the financially mature decision.

Read Summer's story

Kate Jean Wilkins '20
Nurse, Cape Cod Hospital

Backed by friends, family, and faculty, Kate crossed the finish line in 2020, earning her Associates in Nursing. She’s stayed at Cape Cod Hospital, shifting from a CNA to a Nurse following her graduation.

Read Kate's story
Kate Wilkins Nursing graduate
Kate Jean Wikins Photo

Kate Jean Wilkins '20
Nurse, Cape Cod Hospital

Backed by friends, family, and faculty, Kate crossed the finish line in 2020, earning her Associates in Nursing. She’s stayed at Cape Cod Hospital, shifting from a CNA to a Nurse following her graduation.

Read Kate's story

Leah Murphy '16
Commercial Helicopter Pilot

With a degree from Cape Cod Community College, Leah fulfilled her dreams of taking to the sky as a commercial helicopter pilot.

Read Leah's story
Leah Murphy
Leah Murphy Photo

Leah Murphy '16
Commercial Helicopter Pilot

With a degree from Cape Cod Community College, Leah fulfilled her dreams of taking to the sky as a commercial helicopter pilot.

Read Leah's story

Jason Coates '21
Dental Hygiene Graduate

Fueled by a passion for helping others, and a strong proficiency in science, he decided to dive into classes at 4Cs after taking a few years off to work and help his family.

Read Jason's story
Jason Coates
Jason Coates

Jason Coates '21
Dental Hygiene Graduate

Fueled by a passion for helping others, and a strong proficiency in science, he decided to dive into classes at 4Cs after taking a few years off to work and help his family.

Read Jason's story

Max Kennedy
Communications Major
4Cs Student Trustee

"I want to help our students accept their differences as strengths and better understand that their potential is limitless.”

Read Max's Story
Max Kennedy
Max Kennedy

Max Kennedy
Communications Major
4Cs Student Trustee

"I want to help our students accept their differences as strengths and better understand that their potential is limitless.”

Read Max's Story

Jitka Borowick '08
President and CEO, Cleangreen
Board Member, Cape Cod Academy

Jitka had a dream of owning her own business. The year she graduated from 4Cs, Jitka turned her dreams into reality.

Read Jitka's story
Jitka Borowick '08
Jitka Borowick

Jitka Borowick '08
President and CEO, Cleangreen
Board Member, Cape Cod Academy

Jitka had a dream of owning her own business. The year she graduated from 4Cs, Jitka turned her dreams into reality.

Read Jitka's story

Kareem Sanjaghi '09
Mortgage Loan Officer
Cape Cod 5

It wasn’t just the classes that hooked Kareem: it was the connection to his classmates and faculty.

Read Kareem's story
Kareem Sanjaghi '09
Kareem Sanjaghi

Kareem Sanjaghi '09
Mortgage Loan Officer
Cape Cod 5

It wasn’t just the classes that hooked Kareem: it was the connection to his classmates and faculty.

Read Kareem's story

Brianna Shirley '19
Business Administration Graduate

Brianna has a long-term goal of creating a non-profit organization dedicated to serving women living below the poverty line.

Read Brianna's story
Brianna Shirley '19
Brianna Shirley

Brianna Shirley '19
Business Administration Graduate

Brianna has a long-term goal of creating a non-profit organization dedicated to serving women living below the poverty line.

Read Brianna's story

David Troutman '82
Co-owner, Scargo Café

David was working full time, wanted to stay local, and needed an affordable option. He soon discovered that the quality of the teaching was tremendous.

Read David's story
David Troutman '82
David Troutman

David Troutman '82
Co-owner, Scargo Café

David was working full time, wanted to stay local, and needed an affordable option. He soon discovered that the quality of the teaching was tremendous.

Read David's story

Shawna Byrnes '17
Medical Assistant
Fontaine Medical Center

Shawna credits 4Cs for enabling her to be well prepared for work experience. Her advice: “Just do it! I’m living proof that it's possible.”

Read Shawna's story
Shawna Byrnes '17
Shawna Byrnes

Shawna Byrnes '17
Medical Assistant
Fontaine Medical Center

Shawna credits 4Cs for enabling her to be well prepared for work experience. Her advice: “Just do it! I’m living proof that it's possible.”

Read Shawna's story

Joe McGrail '99
Manager of eCommerce
Boston Beer Company

Joe graduated from high school and didn't know if college was for him. He enrolled at 4Cs, which was the perfect place for him to start his powerful future.

Read Joe's story
Joe McGrail
Joe McGrail

Joe McGrail '99
Manager of eCommerce
Boston Beer Company

Joe graduated from high school and didn't know if college was for him. He enrolled at 4Cs, which was the perfect place for him to start his powerful future.

Read Joe's story

For More Information

Office of Admissions
Phone 774.330.4311
Online Apply to 4Cs